The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing:
Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)
SharedArrayBuffer - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)headers),
(The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing: WebGL2 - Check web browser configuration and hardware support) What do i do
I don't get how analyze the following statements is supposed to work. If we know one is telling the truth and one is lying or something like that we might be able to figure it out, but if one has the key and they all say stuff that could be true or false, it could just as easily be any.
Game is good but very hard. If when you messed up it would only take you back maybe 4 questions it would be a lot easier. i got to around 75% and then I failed on the avoiding blocks one.
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25 was my record on my third attempt. good game nice mechanics. wish there was a harder mode cause i feel like this game is only hard for normies
I love it
Mobile version:
I litterly had to use an autoclicker to beat it, how's that for being a human?
great game!!!!!!!
My record is 4
My record is 17
Its record not rocord
limbo reference
Por que pusiste limbo, estas LOCO
Why did you put limbo, Youre CRAZY
Add A Easy, Medium, And Hard Mode.
(The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing:
WebGL2 - Check web browser configuration and hardware support) What do i do
Alguien lo pudo terminar? (ganar 24 veces seguidas)
bro, como descargo esto?
no me deja
se juega solo en la web
Does this go forever or wha
Nope. In it's initial state, you needed to win a total of 24 minigames to win the game. But it has been reduced to 22 in a update.
como descargar?
se juega en la web
I just searched "captcha game" and knew something would show up
me encanta evade y lo juego pero ya no hay pase de batalla :(
mas good que el camera man gigante (no la veo esa serie)
si usas mause apretalo con todos los dedos a mi me funciono
Pero tengo mi teléfono
yo con autoclicker: nah i´d win
Cha la madre esta buenisimo y xd
entra a about:flags y busca opengl, luego habilitas la opcion y listo
lo ise pero no me funciona todavia
eres humano?...
hermano este juego me sacó de la depresión y me volvió a hundir en ella, recomendado
esto me hace cuestionar si soy un robot o no
re buen juego,pero es imposible KDJDWAKDSAKJNDJW
confirmo con el desconocido
*lo critica por no poder*
sos re lind :p
This game made me feel the same as with normal captchas, stressful. Very recommended.
me corre para el pingo (tengo un celeron b830)
Instantaneamente vi el video me dieron ganas de jugar a y por cierto *crea un bot capaz de pasarse esos juegos*
Yo al jugar este juego: *Lo Critica*
Good game for a robot
I don't get how analyze the following statements is supposed to work. If we know one is telling the truth and one is lying or something like that we might be able to figure it out, but if one has the key and they all say stuff that could be true or false, it could just as easily be any.
one is telling the truth, and the other two are lying
Lo ironico es que un bot si puede hacer casi todo eso
Game is good but very hard. If when you messed up it would only take you back maybe 4 questions it would be a lot easier. i got to around 75% and then I failed on the avoiding blocks one.